
Monday, February 24, 2014

Dry Streak Ahead This Week. Mild Too

Is anyone else tired of the rain, when before they were tired of it being too dry with no exciting storms? I am!

Is anyone else tired of the news covering the snow in Bellingham? I am!

In the North Interior this weekend and today, we saw A LOT of snow, as me being from Snohomish, we were supposed to get 3-6 inches and got nothing, so I don't want to talk about snow. Last time, Bellingham northward has a chance to get an additional 1-3 inches of snow, or maybe just FREEZING RAIN, so have another fun snow day kids, well, that's what it looks like is going to happen.

This week is basically supposed to be the same for all of Western WA this week, besides tomorrow morning when Bellingham northward has to deal with some freezing rain and snow still around, this area should get into the mid 40s tomorrow. Snow should start to melt. We also may still see a few showers around the Sound tomorrow morning as well, nothing big though.

Tomorrow, should see temps rise into the low to mid 50s, besides the mentioned above Northern Interior with slightly cooler temps in the mid 40s. Wednesday looks warmer and dryer with temps ranging from about 50 to 57, and partly sunny skies, a beautiful February day.

Thursday afternoon we may see a little disturbance reach the area for a few P.M. showers, with highs ranging from 48 to 52.

On Friday, we look to have basically a clone of Wednesday, with Partly Sunny skies with temperatures ranging from 50 to 55, another nice February day, a very nice break this week from all the rain we have had recently.

This weekend, models are very mixed, the most accurate of all the models, one of the runs of the EURO model shows cold air returning with a chance of precip, which may bring snow back to WA. Also one of the GFS model brings cold air in, with limited precip. Only two models show this, so I'm not putting anything in the forecast yet, just mid to upper 40s for the weekend with a chance of a shower on Saturday.

Long Range models show dry weather, with cool temps all the way into the middle of next week.

12-16 days from now still looks pretty warm and dry, with temps in the upper 50s and low 60s, models still most likely going to change though.

- Grady, Western WA Weather Blog

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