

I'm a 17 year old weather lover in the Seattle area, hoping to become a future weather guy you see on the news! If that doesn't work out, hopefully I'll be a writer for the NFL.

I love snow and thunderstorms. Not a big fan of the super severe stuff.

I am a Snohomish born kid who has been interested in weather my whole life, I don't remember what got me into this stuff, but I have been into it as long as I can remember.

My biggest weather memory's of my childhood were the big Pineapple Express of November 2006, which brought big floods to Western Washington and flooded area rivers including my closest river the Snohomish River. It brought the highest crest ever and cancelled school for three days in a row for me. A month later, the Hanukkah Eve wind storm of 2006 happened, which brought very high winds into Western Washington and Oregon, cutting power in my area for two days and cancelling school for two days as well. We jump ahead to December 2008 as Western Washington gets pummeled by one of the biggest snow storms in recent memory. It started in Dec. 13th as we got a few inches of snow that night, then it kept piling up as days went on, the biggest day being December 18th. The cold and snow stayed all the way through Christmas, I got a total of 15 inches at my house. Now we jump ahead to January 2012 as Western Washington gets hit by another snow storm. It started on Saturday the 14th, I live right in the main convergence zone area, so I got hit the hardest, my area got 5 inches of snow that day as most other areas didn't. That next Wednesday the whole region got hammered with snow bringing up to a foot or more in spots, the next day, we have to deal with freezing rain on top of the snow which led to very dangerous conditions across Washington. It all melted Friday. I got a total of 13 inches at my house in Snohomish.

Those are all the weather memories a have as of now, I can't wait to add to this the next time we get something big here,

- Grady

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Wondering if you have an email where I can reach you at? Let me know!
